Conference Call How To

Conference Call How To

Our step-by-step below is based on a simple voice only conference call option: It is accessible, with choice to dial in with cell phone, laptop, tablet or landline. The max # of attendees is 1000 at this time. Some of the information below will apply to other options as well.   

Set up account

  • One person in the group sets up an account. Access information is provided and is always available going forward. Access includes a call-in number, access code # and host pin #. The call is anonymous. The owner of the conference call does get an email for each call, providing the phone numbers of all who called in.
  • Email or text everyone from the group phone list. Provide call start time, call-in number and the access code. You might want to include some information, such as etiquette items (such as muting when not speaking) or group conscience decisions regarding the phone meetings.