Category Archives: Meetings How To

Conference Call How To

Conference Call How To

Our step-by-step below is based on a simple voice only conference call option: It is accessible, with choice to dial in with cell phone, laptop, tablet or landline. The max # of attendees is 1000 at this time. Some of the information below will apply to other options as well.   

Set up account

  • One person in the group sets up an account. Access information is provided and is always available going forward. Access includes a call-in number, access code # and host pin #. The call is anonymous. The owner of the conference call does get an email for each call, providing the phone numbers of all who called in.
  • Email or text everyone from the group phone list. Provide call start time, call-in number and the access code. You might want to include some information, such as etiquette items (such as muting when not speaking) or group conscience decisions regarding the phone meetings.

Helpful Hints for a Successful Electronic or Phone Meeting

Helpful Hints for a Successful Electronic or Phone Meeting

  • LEAD.  Start the call 15 minutes before the meeting (see Call in Early section).  Anyone can sign up to be a lead, just like a meeting.  The lead can get the first names of who is on the call at the start.  That way reading, and sharing (around the circle) can be assigned.  This avoids persons talking over one another.   Opening the meeting to sharing by anyone can remain available.
  • CALL IN EARLY .  5-10 minutes beforehand .  Too many calls at once can cause a jam.  Joining late can be interrupting.  
  •  MUTE YOURSELF.  It’s amazing the things you can hear (footsteps, dogs barking …).
  • TURN SPEAKER PHONE OFF when speaking. It causes echos and leads to bad sound quality for everyone.
  • USE WIFI on your cell phone, if possible.  Using WIFI helps connection quality as well.  

Google Hangout How To

Google Hangout – How To

The Google Hangout conference call permits you to participate with or without video of yourself (you choose if you want to turn on your computer camera or not.)

You will need a Google account in order to participate. It’s free –just go to and register. You will create your username and password, which you will likely need to sign in and join the conference call.

Zoom How To

Zoom Meeting – How To

If you are using a computer or cell phone, you can join Zoom using the link provided. It may ask you to download the Zoom client app, which is required.

If you are using the phone instead of the Zoom application, dial the Phone # provided. Enter the Meeting ID followed by # key, when prompted. Enter the password when prompted, if required.

Please join 5-10 minutes early, so that you can announce yourself and avoid interruptions at the start of the meeting.

You can choose to share your video camera or not. Note, all can see everything you are doing. Seeing the smiling faces of Al-Anon can be very comforting. Your computer has a microphone so when enabled, we will hear everything you say. You may stop your video and/or mute your microphone at any time. The buttons to do so are on the screen.