Helpful Hints for a Successful Electronic or Phone Meeting

Helpful Hints for a Successful Electronic or Phone Meeting

  • LEAD.  Start the call 15 minutes before the meeting (see Call in Early section).  Anyone can sign up to be a lead, just like a meeting.  The lead can get the first names of who is on the call at the start.  That way reading, and sharing (around the circle) can be assigned.  This avoids persons talking over one another.   Opening the meeting to sharing by anyone can remain available.
  • CALL IN EARLY .  5-10 minutes beforehand .  Too many calls at once can cause a jam.  Joining late can be interrupting.  
  •  MUTE YOURSELF.  It’s amazing the things you can hear (footsteps, dogs barking …).
  • TURN SPEAKER PHONE OFF when speaking. It causes echos and leads to bad sound quality for everyone.
  • USE WIFI on your cell phone, if possible.  Using WIFI helps connection quality as well.