
Print News-In-A-Flash


  • Friends of Lois now online only (2/13/2025)

    Friends of Lois now online only

    The Friends of Lois meeting is now an electronic Zoom meeting only. Join via Zoom Thursdays at 7:00 p.m.

  • Looking for volunteers to start a new meeting on Marquette’s campus (1/30/2025)

    Looking for volunteers to start a new meeting on Marquette’s campus

    Marquette University has a new Collegiate Recovery Program which started last semester. Since launching, they’ve gotten significant interest from students who would like to attend an Al-Anon meeting on campus. Gesu Parish, located on campus would provide a meeting space. Ideally two or more Al-Anon members could get this meeting started. It would likely have lots of newcomers and hopefully be attractive for other Al-Anon members in the area. Please contact the Al-Anon office if you are interested: Call: 414-257-2415 or Email:

  • Critical Need for Volunteers (9/29/2024)

    Critical Need for Volunteers

    Office volunteers needed for weekday shifts. Shifts are for three hours. Either first or second half of workday. Training is provided! Al-Anon members benefit when we practice gratitude. Al-Anon service is gratitude in action. Please consider volunteering for service. Also, please share copies of this flyer with your groups.

    Call: 414-257-2415 or Email:
    AFG of SE Wisconsin
    6737 W. Washington St. Suite 2125, West Allis, WI 53214
    Office Hours: M & W 10-4, Th 11-5, Sa 9-Noon when staffed


Al-Anon Service: Volunteers Needed

Service Board Meetings

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