Al-Anon is a mutual support group..
of peers who share their experience in applying the Al-Anon principles to problems related to the effects of a problem drinker in their lives. It is not group therapy and is not led by a counselor or therapist; This support network complements and supports professional treatment.
Encourage your clients to try Al-Anon, even if they minimize the problem with alcohol.
Alateen is a peer support group for teens…
who are struggling with the effects of someone else’s problem drinking. Many Alateen groups meet at the same time and location as an Al-Anon group. Alateen meetings are open only to teenagers. Alateen is not a program for young people seeking sobriety.
Attend an Open Meeting to experience what Al-Anon has to offer. On the meeting page, select the Advanced open and then “Families, Friends, and Observers Welcome”